Ever since returning from Superweek in beautiful Galyateto, Hungary, I’ve been thinking a lot about data and the utility of Google Analytics as a tool. Yes, I know, I spend a lot of time thinking about those things, but the conference was particularly inspiring in those regards. Google Analytics is not different than any other […]
Google Analytics Bounce Rate (actually) Demystified
Bounce Rate in Google Analytics Every few months of so, I see a (re)tweet pointing to this infographic from KissMetrics. Here’s a snippet: (Update: to learn about content engagement and calculating time on page in Google Analytics, see this post). The thing that frustrates me the most about this infographic is that the […]
How “Unique” are Unique Visitors in Google Analytics
“Unique” Visitors 25%-39% inflated I’ve been working on implementations with a number of clients who have a need for visitor level tracking in Google Analytics so that they can start using GA to measure things like customer loyalty and (try to) calculate Lifetime Customer Value. I understand that there are a number of data models […]
Google Analytics Updates How Visits are Calculated
Google Analytics Updates How Visits Are Calculated In a recent blog post, the Google Analytics team made announced that they are changing the way that visits (sessions) are calculated. Interestingly, they said that, “Based on our research, most users will see less than a 1% change.” Unfortunately (imho), they didn’t cover their bases with that […]
Multi-Touch Attribution with Google Analytics.
Multi-Touch Attribution with Google Analytics It is well known that Google Analytics relies on last touch campaign attribution. In short, this means that conversions and transactions are attributed to the most current traffic source of the visit (i.e. the ‘last touch’). It goes without saying, but you should read Avinash Kaushik’s Web Analytics 2.0 (attribution […]
Google Product Search (for a fee)
I recently discovered a discrepancy between the way that a client’s Google Merchant Center account was performing on Google Product Search and Google Product Ads. When I first set up Google Product Ads, I had assumed (oops!) that I would see the Adwords campaign in Google Analytics like the rest of my auto-tagged campaigns, complete […]